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The Partner Shares Program

The Partner Shares Program is a unique initiative aimed at reducing hunger, improving nutrition, and supporting local farmers in South Central Wisconsin. Partner Shares assists people with low-incomes and/or special needs to enjoy fresh, organic produce from local farms by providing matching funds toward the cost of CSA shares. From the Partner Shares Assistance Fund, the full cost of a CSA share is paid to the farm of the participant’s choice at the beginning of the growing season. Participants then pay half of that amount back to Partner Shares in affordable monthly payments spread out over the course of the season. Partner Shares generates money for the Assistance Fund through local fundraising events, grants, and donations from individuals, organizations, and foundations. Through Partner Shares, participants receive weekly boxes of delicious, organic produce they can afford, small local farmers receive full price for their product, and environmentally sound farming practices are supported. Partner Shares extends the reach of Community Supported Agriculture to everyone who wishes to participate.

Participant Payments

The cost of monthly payments varies quite a bit depending on the farm and type of share participants choose, along with how many months they choose to spread their payments out over. Most farms offer standard and half shares, while some farms also offer larger and/or extended season shares. Prices differ between farms and share types. Participants also choose the amount of their monthly payments by selecting the number of months they wish to spread the payments out over. In 2005, the average participant payment was $35 per month.

Signing up for Partner Shares:

1. If you are new to CSA, you'll want to start by making sure CSA is a suitable arrangement for you and your household. Partner Shares funds may only be used for vegetables. Look through the CSA Farm List to find a farm that you would like to join. You'll also want to read through Factors to Consider When Choosing a CSA. Call the farms you are interested in directly to request copies of their most updated brochure.

2. Find out if you qualify for the program by reading the income eligibility form.

3. Call the farms you are interested in directly to request copies of their membership form. Each farm has their own membership form.

4. Contact MACSAC 608.226.0300 if you need will help determining your eligibility, if you would like paper copies of these forms mailed to you, or if you need help choosing a farm.

5. Complete the Payment Plan Form. This allows you to set up a payment that is most convenient for your household. NOTE: Food stamp payments must be arranged directly with your farm.

6. Print out and send the following completed forms to MACSAC/Partner Shares, PO Box 7814 Madison, WI 53707:

* Completed farm membership form

* Agreement and Income Eligibility Form

* Payment Plan Form

7. MACSAC will send your membership form to the farm with full payment for your CSA share. .

8. Make scheduled payments for your CSA share directly to MACSAC, PO BOX 7814 Madison, WI 53703. Participants may also send post-dated checks to be deposited on scheduled payment dates.

Some MACSAC farms accept foodstamps for CSA share payment (see the Farm List). These payments may be combined with Partner Shares funds to cover the cost of your share. Please be sure to let MACSAC staff know if you plan to make your payments using foodstamps. MACSAC has a limited amount of funding for the Partner Shares Program. For this reason we are not always able to accommodate every household. Households that qualify for partner Shares funding are admitted on a first come first served basis.

Ways To Get Involved in Partner Shares

  • Become a Partner Shares Participant! Click here to find out how it works.
  • Become a Partner Shares volunteer and help out with exciting fundraising and outreach events! Click here to read about volunteering or sign up for our monthly email list to learn more about timely volunteer opportunities.
  • Sign on to the Partner Shares Mailing List for information on upcoming fundraising and outreach events. (Link to mailing list)
  • Sponsor a Farm-A-Thon! Farm-A-Thons are great opportunities for corporate service or youth groups to fight hunger in their own communities by helping low-income families receive fresh produce from CSA farms. Click here for more information about setting up a Farm-A-Thon.
  • Promote Partner Shares by letting us know about potential outreach venues: your place of work, community or religious organizations you may be a part of, we’d love to come do a brief or extended outreach presentation!
  • Make a donation (link to donation page) to the Partner Shares Assistance Fund or sponsor a family to receive a CSA share.

Our Sponsors:

Donations to the Partner Shares Assistance Fund make the program possible. We appreciate contributions from individuals and organizations and extend special thanks to the following:

  • Empty Bowls Madison/Lakeside Pottery and the potters of Southern WI
  • Madison Community Foundation
  • Williamson Street Grocery Cooperative – Community Reinvestment Fund
  • MATC – Student Life Center
  • UW Extension – Nutrition Education Program
  • REAP Food Group
  • Friends of Troy Gardens