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MACSAC is continually seeking to strengthen the network of growers (and eaters!) who support the goal of creating a food system that closely connects eaters with the source of their food, particularly through CSA farms. We invite any grower, including non-CSA farms and farms producing non-vegetable items to join the MACSAC community by simply sending along contact information including farm name, address, phone number and email.

All growers receive monthly mailings, newsletters, and invitations to participate in grower events, farm tours, and the general membership meeting. CSA growers wishing to be formally endorsed by MACSAC are required to go through our application process (see enclosed). The application deadline is December 1. No late applications are considered.

  • What kinds of farms are formally endorsed by the Coalition?
  • How could my farm benefit by joining MACSAC?
  • What do I need to do to be formally endorsed by MACSAC?

Please contact our office 608.226.0300 to request an application.

What kinds of farms are formally endorsed by the Coalition?
Farms formally endorsed by MACSAC share the following characteristics:

  • Operate some form of CSA
  • Serve the greater Madison area or communities of Southern Wisconsin
  • Demonstrate sufficient farming skills to provide potential CSA members with a good experience
  • Demonstrate planning for the farm business including price and size of a share, irrigation, land tenure
  • Use organic farming practices (organic certification not required)
  • Actively participate in the coalition
  • Make a sliding scale contribution of $20-$50 to the coalition
  • Attend one general membership meetingAs a CSA farm formally endorsed by MACSAC you will be eligible to:
  • Promote your farm by tabling at the annual CSA Open House, attended each year by over 500 people and publicized in local media outlets.
  • Have your farm listed in the annual CSA Farm Directory distributed to over 2,000 Wisconsin households and the MACSAC website which receives thousands of hits each year.
  • Receive financial assistance for low-income households wishing to join your CSA through the Partner Shares program. (Farms must be on the MACSAC farm list for one full season before being eligible for Partner Shares funds)
  • Participate in the Physicians Plus Great Health Bonus program- a $100-$200 cash rebate for physicians Plus members who join your CSA
  • Receive farmer to farmer mentorship (for new or continuing growers)
  • Be promoted by MACSAC staff and volunteers at numerous speaking engagements and public events throughout the year.

What do I need to do to be formally endorsed by MACSAC?

  1. Fill out and hand in the application by December 1. No late applications will be accepted due to the printing deadlines for our farm list.
  2. MACSAC new farm committee reviews the questionnaire and sets up a meeting with new farmers to review questionnaire, explain how the coalition works for farms, and answer any questions.
  3. New Farm Committee makes a recommendation to the MACSAC board whether to formally represent applicant farm for the coming season.
  4. Farm is notified of decision by January 31.