About Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)CSA
is a unique social and economic arrangement between local households
and farmers who work together to share the responsibility of producing
and delivering fresh food. Households support the farm by paying an
annual fee in the winter or spring that entitles them to a "share"
of the season's harvest. Once harvesting begins, members pick-up a
weekly box of fresh foods which may include produce, fruits, cheeses,
eggs, meats, poultry, flowers, herbs or preserves. Pick-up sites are
often located at a member's house or at the farm. Most farms create
a newsletter that accompanies each delivery with notes about farm
activities, descriptions of what’s in the delivery, cooking
tips and recipes. Many farms also create opportunities for their members
and families to visit the farm and participate in farm events. The
typical CSA season in Wisconsin runs from the end of May through mid-October.
Farms offer a diversity of share options including extended season
shares, multiple share types and sizes, and special funds and payment
plans to accommodate households on a tight budget. CSA farmers use
sustainable and organic methods to produce high quality to reduce
the impact of agriculture on the environment.
Click here to read “TEN REASONS TO JOIN A CSA” How does Community Supported Agriculture work?A CSA member purchases a "share" of each season's produce. One share is generally enough to feed a household of four or more. Half or partial shares are often available as well. The food is distributed weekly through centrally located drop-off points or through farm pick-up. The cost of a share varies from farm to farm. In general, food received is more economical or comparable in cost to local organic produce found at farmers' markets and retail stores. Opportunities for InvolvementMost CSA’s offer opportunities for urban and rural families to share and learn together on the farm. These include field days, work days, harvest festivals and celebrations, and special activities for kids. Some farms also offer “worker shares” which allow households to pay for the cost of a share or provide a discount in exchange for a set number of hours of farm labor. |
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