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Fruit Box Newsletter

The Fruit Box is an opportunity to receive 10 deliveries of organic fruit beginning in July and lasting until December. Unlike our vegetables, which are grown by us, the fruit is not. We work with a fruit buyer in the Twin Cities, Everett Myers. Prior to being a fruit buyer, he was a CSA farmer. The Fruit Box follows the annual fruit harvest across the country. The goal is peak freshness, flavor and quality.

You receive a box every-other week from July to October and then one box in November and one in December. Each box will contain fruit that is at its pinnacle of quality. Every shipment comes with a write-up that talks about the grower and the fruit, gives tips on storage, and offers suggestions on how to use the fruit.

Price: $445

The plan:
Early July: Blueberries (12 pints)
Mid July: Cherries (8 lbs)
Early August: Mixed fruit*
Late August: Mixed fruit*
Early September: Colorado Peaches (9 lbs)
Late September: Mixed fruit*
Early October: Mixed Local Apples (10 lbs)
Late October: Mixed Pears (10 lbs.)
November 11: Apples, Pears, Cranberries (20 lbs)
December 9: Mixed Citrus: Oranges, Satsumas, Grapefruit, Clementines, Lemons (20 lbs)

*Mixed boxes will contain some combination of the following fruit: grapes, nectarines, pluots, lemons, kiwi, Valencia oranges, avocadoes, mangoes, figs, and peaches. The fruit in each mixed box varies depending on what is available and at the peak of quality. You may not receive all of the listed items and may receive some fruit not on the list; each season is different.

The fruit comes from organic farms around the country including the midwest.